Working towards a sustainable future with significant conservation work.

As part of Tauroa Farm Trust, Tauroa Sanctuary was set up and is committed to restoring nature on the land.
We aim to be involved in practical projects to conserve nature. Such as trapping predators, installing predator-free fence line, removing weeds, cleaning waterways and planting trees.

Planting trees
Tauroa Sanctuary is a pretty special place with a surreal natural landscape. Our mission to protect and enhance this involves large native tree planting projects. The flow on effects of these projects are endless and seeing the results only makes us want to plant more.

Water Regeneration
We have a number of small lakes on the property with dozens of smaller waterways running into them.
These wetlands are home to native fish, long fined eels and other eel species, and kōura fresh water crayfish.
We protect these native species by keeping our waterways clean and free of grazing animals and use riparian planting to naturally filter through.
Natural Succession
We understand natural processes for forest regeneration. Native forests develop over several successions where each plant community improves the conditions for the next.
We start by planting light-demanding pioneer species such as manuka, kanuka, toe toe and flax. This creates a shrubland allowing secondary colonisers to come through and reach for the light.
Lastly, we're able to establish taller emergent species such as totara and rimu. This is the end goal and allows for tree ferns, climbing or perching plants to thrive underneath.